Pip White webPip White
Pip White was born and brought up in Salisbury. Her discovery of needle felting has allowed her to explore her artistic talent in a very unique way. Her use of fibre forms an illusion of watercolour or pastels and she creates landscapes and coastal scenes mainly from the south-west of England. The works are lovingly made mainly from Merino fleece, which is a particularly fine wool fibre, but also from more exotic fibres such as yak and silk as well as man-made natural fibres such as Tencel. The scenes are created from photographs of well-known landscapes and coastal views. Pip regularly teaches at friendly workshops in small groups of 1-4 or tailor-makes larger workshops for groups such as WI, Council community groups and needlework clubs. Her workshops are rated with the Gold Award and reviews can be found on the Craft Courses.com website.

Web: www.pippaluk.co.uk