Salisbury Paint Off - Annual Event
If you have been before you just know what fun it can be!
If you havent been before then make sure you get down once again to the next scheduled event.
Venue details TBC.
Come and discover your inner artist, but more importantly just come along and have some fun
sploshing some paint about.
Its fun and fab, and you dont have to be an expert, just enjoy being creative with paint.
Paints & Canvasses are Included, so all you have to do is bring your talent and enthusiasm.
Paint Off 2021 & Beyond?
In normal times we would now be starting the process of organising the annual Paint Off event in the Cloisters. Sadly this is not possible due to the continuing uncertainties.
We will keep you informed when the situation becomes more clearer.
Images from The Paint Off 2019 - 14th September 2019
In its 10th year this annual art extravaganza was held once again in the wonderful grounds of the Cloisters in Salisbury Cathedral.
Many came along and joined in the fun, bringing friends and family. A great day was had by all!
The four catagory winners! Judged by Sharon Noble from 'Noble Arts' who also generously donated the prizes!
Details of some of the previous Paint Off’s:
Paint Off 2018
In its 9th year this annual art extravaganza was held in the wonderful grounds of the Cloisters in Salisbury Cathedral.
Many came along and joined in the fun, bringing friends and family.
As always, canvasses and paints were available or you could bring your own materials and join established artists,
budding artists or anyone who likes to splosh some paint about.
Paint Off isn’t just about paints - we welcomed all creative ideas - sculpture, photography, mixed media etc.
Paint Off 2016
This years Paint Off event took place in the grounds of Salisbury Museum in September and in conjunction with The Heritage Craft Festival.
We sploshed a lot of paint around and had a lot of fun and a great day was had by all.
If that wasnt enough - we organised a Paint off Auction which was held on the Wednesday 14th September at Salisbury Arts Centre.
The auction started at 6.30pm and was hosted by a professional autioneer with 50% of all proceeds going to a local
Young Carers Charity. It was a great way to share our work with friends and family, and we had many bidders!
Paint Off 2015
The Paint Off event was held on Saturday 12th September and we were delighted that this year the event
was held in the Guildhall Square. We also teamed up with Salisbury Museum who helped to organise
and promote the event with us. They introduced spot prizes to all those under 16 who’s work reflected
the spirit of JMW Turner. We set out 12 gazebos in the square and although the weather was somewhat
uncertain we nevertheless attracted a great many local artists of all ages.
Everyone who took part thoroughly enjoyed themselves and many took part in an Auction of those
finished pieces of art that was held in the Museum on Tuesday 15th September.
The Auction was very well attended and we managed to raise approx £550 which went towards
supporting Salisbury’s, The Unit.
Paint Off 2014
Took place on Saturday 6th of September at The Cathedral Cloisters
This was the 5th annual Paint Off event, previously held at The Old Ale House (twice)
and then Salisbury Arts Centre. In 2014 we were pleased to be organising Paint Off once again
in the wonderful grounds of Salisbury Cathedral and in conjunction with Salisbury Contemporary Craft
and Heritage Fayre
This was a great opportunity for artists and makers of all ages and abilities to work side by side in
a very special venue. This day was all about encouraging all art forms including knitting, photography,
sculpture, collage, model making, writing, painting and drawing.
Paint Off 2013
Check this great video of Paint Off 2013!
Artists could either see it as a challenge to work within the 5 hour time frame, looking to create a finished
piece from scratch in one day, OR could bring along a piece of work in progress and use the day to
continue working on it.
The prize judging took place at Salisbury Arts centre on Wednesday 10th September at 6.30 pm
where there was also be an auction of work.
Any artist who took part in the Paint Off had the option of entering their work into the auction.
You can also also check out other images including a great timelapse video from local Artist Matthew Dean
via our Paint Off’s dedicated Facebook Page.